Posts Tagged ‘freedom’

Work it Out

November 16, 2013

I have a plan. The plan involves the doctors who are being dropped as approved providers from the “Obama care” rolls by the various insurance companies. The plan also involves the individuals who are being notified daily that their now “illegal” plans are being cancelled by their various insurance companies who doing their best to figure out what the unintelligible “Obama care” legislation means. It’s not just the two thousand-odd pages of the original bill; it’s the tens of thousands of pages of unaccountable bureaucratic “regulations” authorized under the original bill. The Congress doesn’t know what it means. We aren’t meant to know what it means. The aim is to make it clear that if you want to live, you need to kowtow to the establishment.
We have thousands of doctors who are being booted out of the system.
We have hundreds of thousands of individuals who are being booted out of the system.
The system is corrupt.
So, my plan:
Let the thousands of doctors who are booted out of the system and the hundreds of thousands who are without insurance eschew the corrupt system. Let the booted doctors take in the cancelled individuals as regular customers. Let them pay in cash, or chickens, or whatever the two of them can agree upon. Let the free market consisting of these two rejected groups set the going rate. Let those who have been rejected by the government-approved system rejoice. The real problem is the notion that anyone should follow the ridiculous government plan. Just don’t do it.
Think back to the endless hours you have spent trying to satisfy the inscrutable rules of your insurance company. What were you trying to accomplish? Simply to retrieve some of the dollars you had previously paid in to them to cover a necessary medical charge.
What about you doctors? How have you set your rates? Have you not set a rate higher than would be necessary if the insurance companies/government paid the actual costs of the service for all your customers?
To me, this looks like a golden opportunity. The government has created a system that has excluded many. Embrace the rejection. Forget the government. Create a reasonable market.

What to do?

September 2, 2013

If you have been reading the news the last couple of weeks, you will have been told that the regime of Assad in Syria is probably responsible for chemical attacks on innocent civilians, resulting in the deaths of thousands of innocents including many children. There is no condemnation sufficient to address this atrocity.
The “opposition” is backed by Al Qaeda, a proven ruthless enemy of our nation. Murderers of thousands of innocent Americans. Sworn to attack us to extinction. No thinking person in the U.S doubts this.
So, what is the U.S. to do?
The current administration thinks the right thing to do is send Assad a message that it is unacceptable to kill thousands of innocents.
Hard to argue with this sentiment, on the surface.
But, attacking Assad, advances the agenda of Al Qaeda, and fails to help the innocents who have been attacked.
Therefore, unless and until someone can show me a compelling strategy that actually helps the innocents who are suffering in this Syrian civil war, I maintain my stance that the only moral alternative is for the U.S. to stay out of it.
The likelihood that this whole scenario is carefully engineered to drive us closer to the aims of those who want to dominate the planet through financial means is too hard for me to discount.
Go ahead and believe that this current administration is living up to its promise of transparency if you want to, but, so far, I have seen no evidence in that direction.

Awesome New Blog Roll Entry

June 4, 2012

Let me encourage you to take a trip down the right side of my page to the blog roll section  under “Love in Action” and visit my awesome friends.  Be amazed at the continual stream of miracles that Jesus is performing.  I warn you up front; you won’t find complacency on the other end of that link.

– writewild

Heroes All

November 10, 2011

Heroes All

By writewild

They came before us, heroes all,
that we might stand today
and freely answer whatever call
our Sovereign sends our way.

In muddy trenches, numbing cold,
on desert’s scorching sand;
in jungle stench of wet and mold,
they followed one command:

Defend to death the liberty
our Maker has bestowed;
defeat the wrong of tyranny,
protect the ones at home.

Ice-crusted muskets at Valley Forge,
torpedo’s high-pitched whine;
whatever weapon, whichever war,
their valor is what shined!

They quelled their fears by force of will
to hold a ragged line;
against the foe who seeks to kill
what’s good, and right, and fine.

Heroes are standing, still today,
to keep our children safe and free;
to vanquish terror’s craven sway,
in hell-holes where it meets.

The heritage of sacrifice
that is a warrior’s lot;
exemplified by God on high,
this shows the warrior’s heart!

– Writewild

Thank you, warriors!  God bless and keep you wherever you are serving now.  Thank you veterans for your sacrifices, we owe you a great debt as well.
(I am taking the liberty of reposting this original work in honor of our service members, past and present.)

My sentiments, exactly!

November 9, 2011

From the third graders of Tussing Elementary, Colonial Heights ,Virginia .  I don’t know who their teacher is, but I stand in awe of their support of our servicemen!

We’re all in this Together!

November 4, 2011

I was dumbfounded as I watched an interchange between a pair of conservative activists today. One of these persons is known to me as one who frequently stands on the “I stand with Israel” soapbox. The other activist (whom I don’t know) was pointedly declining a “connection” with the first because of his views about Israel. Rather than try to capture the essence of the interchange, just let me repost it as a quote:

‘Sorry bro, can’t connect with folks who “Stand with Israel”. If you stood with Jews instead of Zionists I’d had no quams, but the state of Israel has helped us into EVERY illegal war we’ve had since WWII. Deprogram what public schools taught ya and re-learn in the light of truth… MY country is America and my Constitution says NOTHING about Israel.’

Now, if you were to consistently read what I write, you will see that I come from a faith-based perspective. My position on Israel is founded on this proclamation of God to Abraham:

I will bless those who bless you,
and whoever curses you I will curse;
and all peoples on earth
will be blessed through you.” (Genesis 12:3)
and many other passages that expand on this certainty. Not to mention the fact that our Saviour Jesus came through the line of David, as this passage in Genesis foretells. I have to assume that God knew what He was doing, making this promise to Abraham.
Even if the modern nation of Israel is mostly secular, I have a hard time believing that God is done keeping his promises related to the descendants of Abraham.
Perhaps I would blow this off as one individual who is “wound a little too tight” if it weren’t for the barrage of anti-semitic comments coming out of the “occupy wall street” movement. ( A movement, by the way, which really seems to need someone to vilify.)
I also understand that without the Biblical imperative to see the children of Abraham from the perspective of the Creator, those who don’t share my spiritual foundation have little motivation to “stand with Israel”.
Still, for the life of me, I can’t come up with a single instance in which Israel as a nation “helped” us into various conflicts. At a minimum, this seems a pretty negative view of history. My own observation is that since World War II, most conflicts that Israel has faced, she has faced alone and against formidable odds. Oh, maybe we have had some input into telling them how to manage their business, but other than that, what? We have profited from selling them a few jet fighters.
I know two things about this argument. First, if we conservatives don’t look for common ground and ask the question ‘What can we do to serve one another and advance our common goals?’ Then we will certainly lose, for “a house divided against itself cannot stand.” Second, God’s Word always accomplishes that which He sent it to do; I would therefore rather be on the blessing side of His promise to Abraham.

Keep Praying for Youcef Nadarkhani

October 11, 2011

According to the Fox News article referenced below, a new trial has been ordered for Iranian pastor Youcef Nadarkani.  Youcef has been facing the death penalty for his Christian faith.  Of course, it is unclear what this move will mean in the long run, but it is a change from the status quo.  So please, keep those prayers coming!

– writewild
Read more:

Prayer for Marzieh Vafamehr

October 9, 2011

Lord, please intervene on the behalf of Marzieh Vafamehr. Lead her in a direction that will let her see real truth and know your protection. Confound the plans of those who walk in the way that seems right to those in charge in Iran. Open prison doors for her, even as you did for Peter. Let her go free! I pray that this situation will open the eyes of many in that dark land. Let them see that your love is a better way than the way of fear the fear employed by corrupt men under Islam (or any other system). -writewild

World Views in Conflict

October 9, 2011

We have, in the United States, basically two world views vying for dominance. In one, man is seen as greedy and self serving. The solution is seen to be control of these selfish desires in corrupt individuals by powerful government. Under this system of belief, the mechanism of control is obvious: regulations that spell out the limits to which an individual can go and a system to enforce the regulations. In effect, this system is control of selfish desires by force. In the second world view, man is also seen as greedy and self serving. While the basic problem is not one that produces disagreement, the solution under the second world view takes a dramatically different turn. The second world view gives assent to the problem of corruption of the individual, but asserts that the solution is given by the supernatural redeeming work of Christ, working to change the heart of the corrupt individual from self serving to Christ serving. (In practice, this amounts to serving others, rather than self).

Now, the redemption approach requires complete freedom. God appears to place great value on the freedom of man to choose. Why? Because He wants the relationship to be one of love, rather than one of coercion. Any honest philosopher can recognize that freedom is essential to love.

Failure to recognize this fact lies at the root of the motivation for the world view that requires a powerful government to set things right. Maybe it is cynicism; doubt that the individual can be trusted to do the right thing.

The trouble with the powerful government model is this: government ends up being comprised of the same corrupt individuals as the rest of the population. Only, once they are in power, they have the power of the government behind them. They are not just corrupt individuals, they are corrupt individuals in charge of the government power structure.

This is one place where the philosophy of the Occupy Wall Street (or Occupy Wherever) crowd is gone awry. The protesters recognize the corruption (the part that is not in dispute), and have been goaded into action by their organizers. They haven’t thought about the problem with the solution that they are seeking. They naively think that if “their” guys are in charge, everything will get better.

Our founding fathers were not unclear on this issue. Their solution was to propose a limited government, to set some loose constraints to deal with those who would use their freedom inappropriately, and leave room for the individual to make their own way under the guidance of God, the only being who is above corruption.

In a nutshell, we are in the fix we are in because we have gotten too far away from Him.

Just something for you occupiers to think about while you are sitting around on Wall Street.

Will We Stand for Truth or be Herded by the Wrong Shepherd?

April 10, 2011

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. John 1:1-5

Lately, I have been thinking about the ways in which this powerful creative Word of God continues to find expression in the lives of individuals who end up making a difference in the course of things. Whether we are talking about the advance of the Gospel message directly by missionary organizations or individuals called to the cause in less obvious ways, God’s is empowering His desired outcome of imparting light and life. What I find in my musings is that God is, in fact, watching over his Word to perform it. He is exposing falsehood. He is supporting those who speak the truth for it’s own sake. He is empowering those who speak for individual liberty. Why? My take is this: God desires a relationship with us all, based on our own free and unfettered choice. Further, He desires us to be free to carry out the tasks He gives us to do, unhindered by the control of an oppressive system of government of men or held captive by the wily strategies of the enemy of our souls who contrives limiting circumstance through evil designs and imprudent human choices.

If we look to heroes of the past, like the soldiers who endured the freezing cold at Valley Forge with Washington, we easily understand that their sacrifice helped to buy the freedoms that we enjoy today. Similarly, none who has seriously considered the landing at Normandy in June of 1944, can fail to stand in awe at the eventual effectiveness of such self-sacrifice to redeem the world from evil.  I tell you now: this Spirit is still at work today.

My family had the privilege of having lunch one day this week with a volunteer soldier on the front lines of tomorrow’s battle. He is one of a small army of individuals who are serving as early ‘boots on the ground’ for the 2012 presidential election. The man we met with is spending his own  money to criss-cross Iowa to meet with people to get out the message that we are at a critical crossroads. He is spending time away from his home and family to try to ensure that his children and grandchildren will have the same sort of opportunities that we have had; that this government will not suck up all the impetus for entrepreneurial endeavor and leave only stifling dependence in it’s wake.

This soldier told us passionately that, in his opinion, Sarah Palin was our best hope for the future. His argument centered on his perception that she is the only candidate who is actively listening to the people of America, trusting in the collective power of their individual ability to hear the call of God on their lives. By contrast, the typical politician wants to impose his own brand of central control from the narcissistic notion of what they “know” what is good for us.  (If you doubt me, I’ll share a few letters I have received from my congressional representatives, telling me why what I believe is not right, in their opinion.)

I will tell you that if he is right about Governor Palin, I find that particular argument most compelling. Only the Almighty is capable of seeing the end from the beginning, and of weaving the threads represented by all our lives into a tapestry that expresses the exceptional greatness that I believe is our destiny. Only He is capable of speaking to each of us the plan that will enable that dream and of nurturing it to fruition.  Together, we can hear and follow Him in a way no government can even approach, even with best intentions.  Anything less dishonors the sacrifices that brought us to this place and time.

The question we must all answer now is whether we will accept the mission that is before us. Will we be involved, doing our best to carry out the Maker’s will for the shape of the future, or just passively wait to see what befalls us?  May we all, like our patriot fathers, rise to the task!